mardi 28 avril 2020

10 best new Android games from April 2020!

Android gaming is getting bigger and better every month it seems and there is always a slew of new titles coming to Google Play. Whether you're a casual gamer or you want something with a bit more meat on its bones, there's usually a game coming out to suit everyone's taste. Some months are better than others, but there is usually at least one great new game on mobile every month. Let's take a look at the best new Android games from the last month! You can watch the videos on YouTube from previous months by clicking here! You can also check out our picks for the best new Android games for 2019 in the video above! 

Aura Kingdom 2

Price: Free to play

Aura Kingdom 2 is a new MMORPG. In terms of game play, it's a fairly typical game in the genre. You create a character, choose its class, customize its looks, and then go out questing. The game features a large open world, plenty of stuff to do, various social elements, and auto-play game play if you're into that. This one stands out from the pack with a separate card collecting mechanic where you collect up to 40 Eidolons to aid in your quest. In any case, it has its pros and cons, but it's generally a fun game in the genre.

Dead by Daylight Mobile

Price: Free to play

Dead by Daylight Mobile is an asymmetrical horror survival game with some really neat ideas. Basically, asymmetrical is just a fancy way of saying lopsided. The games are set up with one beast player and four human players to hunt the beast. Thus, it's a one versus four game. The beast and hunters each have unique abilities, but the beast has a bit of an advantage. The game is entirely PvP so prepare to face other human players and there are some additional social elements. The controls could be better, but otherwise it's a unique multiplayer experience.

Eternal Sword M

Price: Free to play

Eternal Sword M is another MMORPG release from the last month. This one is another fairly standard MMORPG experience. You create your character and go out on the game's many, many quests. This one leans a little more on its story line narrative where you must save the world in seven days. The game also includes time travel, mounts, online PvP, and some other elements to round out the experience. It uses auto-play, a boon for some and a detriment for others. Additionally, the game does become a bit of a grind if you don't want to spend real money. Still, it's a decent addition to the genre.


Price: Free to play

Fortnite finally saw its official Google Play launch this last month. It's a big release considering Epic Games' insistence on doing its own thing and allowing people to download from only its own website. The company says Google's stranglehold on the Android app market is the reason for the Google Play release. For those who live under rocks, Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world. It's a 100-person battle royale shooter with some crafting elements to keep things interesting. It doesn't work well on lower end phones so beware of that. Otherwise, it's one of the best FPS games on mobile right now.

Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall

Price: Free to play

Game of Thrones Beyond the Wall takes place 48 years after the end of the TV show's events. It's a kingdom building strategy game at its core. You recruit a variety of characters, build up your stronghold, and send people out beyond the wall to score loot and other things. The game isn't quite as deep as we think a Game of Thrones title should be. Additionally, the game lacks the finer touches you would expect in a mobile game in 2020. For instance, the cut scenes aren't voiced over and also have no sound effects or music whatsoever. It's a bit drab, but the mechanics are solid. Hopefully some further updates improve the story experience a bit.


Price: $4.99

Gris is a puzzle platformer with a very strong emphasis on the game's narrative. You play as Gris, a girl dealing with some major league mental problems. The game is kind of a deep dive into her mind and you learn more as you play. The game doesn't have the usual obstacles like death or danger. You're free to explore each level at your own pace. Additionally, the game has virtually no text aside from the tutorial so it's a story told entirely through imagery. It's quite the unique experience.

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game

Price: Free

Gwent: The Witcher Card Game is, well, a mobile adaptation of The Witcher's card mini-game. It's a fairly decent card style dueling game. You collect cards, build decks, and challenge other players. It boasts a steady progression without pay to win elements, a sentiment echoed by most players so far. The graphics and game play elements are strongly reminiscent of old Magic: The Gathering games, even if the actual rules are vastly different. It's fun to play and a good, easy going dueling game with a ton of content. This one should remain good for a long time as long as the developers don't get too greedy with it.

Idle Mafia

Price: Free to play

Idle Mafia is an idle tap game with a surprisingly robust amount of content. The core game loop is about the same as any other idle tapper. You invest your money into various things and constantly earn money in the background as you do other stuff. There's not only a gacha element to the game, but you can expand your mafia empire in a variety of different ways and earn money from each one. You can also earn free stuff with video ads at a decently fair rate.

Sky: Children of Light

Price: Free to play

Sky: Children of Light is a beautiful adventure game with some MMO elements. Players explore seven large worlds and meet other players along the way. The game world features colorful environments, plenty of secret areas, and open world exploration. It's not quite an MMORPG, but it kind of feels like it in some ways. There are even a bunch of ways to customize your character. The satisfying graphics and excellent game play mechanics make this a sleeper pick for one of the best games of the year so far.

War of the Visions FFBE

Price: Free to play

War of the Visions FFBE is the spiritual successor to Square Enix's and Gumi's extremely popular Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. However, this one is done in the theme of a Final Fantasy Tactics title. It uses a lot of the same world ideas, such as the ability to summon visions for help on the battle field, but it's an entirely different story line. The game has its ups and downs. The mechanics are solid and the story line and soundtrack are actually quite good. However, the game suffers from clunky menus, the occasional crash issue (even on newer devices), and the developers handle in-game currency surprisingly poorly considering how free-to-play friendly the original Final Fantasy Brave Exvius is. It's a decently good game with some bad decisions and we home those bad decisions get fixed.

15 best free Android games available right now!

15 best arcade games for Android!

If we missed any great new Android games, tell us about them in the comments! You can also click here to check out our latest Android apps and games lists!

from Android Authority

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