lundi 4 juin 2018

Do you prefer smartphones made of glass or metal? (Poll of the Week)

Last week's poll summary: Out of over 2,700 total votes, 78.6 percent of voters said they're interested in the HTC U12 Plus, while 21.4 percent are not. The results were a bit more mixed on our social channels. Only 53 percent of YouTube voters think the U12 Plus is a hot phone. 51 percent of Twitter voters, 63 percent of Instagram voters, and 45 percent of Facebook voters feel the same way. It looks like things are pretty mixed.

Roughly two years ago, we asked you to tell us your favorite material for a smartphone. Our readers overwhelming chose metal/aluminum as their phone material of choice, with glass phones coming in at a very distant second place.


The smartphone market has changed quite a bit since then. It seems like 9/10 flagship smartphones released in the past year have been made of glass, despite the fact that metal-backed phones are seemingly more popular. Just about every manufacturer — LG, HTC, OnePlus, and others — have all jumped onboard with the glass-phone trend.

As a person who likes metal phones, I don't really understand this trend. Glass phones break way easier when you drop them, and oftentimes they're more slippery. I understand that many users value wireless charging, but not every OEM includes wireless charging support in their glass phones.

That's just my opinion. What do you think? Do you prefer glass or metal-backed phones? Cast your vote in the poll below, and speak up in the comments if you have anything to add.

from Android Authority

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