- Reminders:
- Always give CREDITS to us!
- The rom is already rooted so DO NOT ROOT IT AGAIN!
- There is a flashable DSB fix for Unsupported devices below, Do not flash it if your device is already DSB supported!
- The Bugs that we know is already stated in Changelogs section so don't complain if your camera is not connected or no phone storage! Blame your porter!
- Features:
- Green Theme Color
- Dolby Atmos
- Battery Bar Options
- Date and Clock Options
- 4 Data Traffic Style
- Parallax Recent Apps
- Kingroot
- Battery Styles
- Lollipop Volume Panel
- Fixed Statusbar Icons Tint(Not All)
- Fixed Dynamic System Bars(Supported All Devices)
- Bug:
- SystemUI Fc when Navbar is enabled (it is a bug from the stock rom not on my rom)
- Clear Button on Notification Panel not working (just swipe)
- Note:
- If you ever choose no in the recent card stack view and you want to enable it. just go to Settings>Backup & Reset>Click Reset Preferences then hold home button then choose yes this time
- Credits:
- Individuals :
- Jeff Rivera (Material Rom Developer)
- Neil Edward Diaz (PopKAT Rom Developer)
- Christian Temple (CandyFloss Rom Developer)
- Khim Tenorio (Lucsious Rom Developer)
- Judi Tiboso Arevalo (Illuminous Rom Developer)
- Rommel Villasor (RBuild Developer)
- Raj Shekhar (MysticOS Rom Developer)
- Aljhun Mejorada Bumaya
- Dhenz Aquino
- Frank James Hermosa Lopez
- Brylle Iris Chinilla
- Bang Bagger™
- Akhilendra Gadde
- Suraj Kumar (Droid Buster)
- Tenten Ponce
- Deuge Angger
- Gurpreet Singh
- Adi
- Jonacx D Great
- Jerry Klisman
- Octo O
- Vanya
- MaxDev AOKP
- Danilo Caballero
- Sergay Margaritov(Color Picker)
- Felimon
- Romeo Roguer
- Groups/Pages/Blogs :
- Most Epic Rom Ever™(MERE)
- Material Android Development Team™
- DroidBuster XDA Developer™
- AndroStark Developers™
- Maximum Dev/Port Team™
- Fly-On Mod Developers™
- Mediatek Arts Android and Devs™(MAAaD)
- Mediatek Arts Android and Devs Reborn™(MAAaDR)
- XDA Developers™
- CyanogenMod™
- Links:
- Patches:
Visit Team Pussy for more updates !:o:):):good::good:
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/25AAt19
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